Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Generally, I'm not that big on hearts.  Ok, yes, admittedly I've been smitten a few times; by this, and this, and… of course, Tif's take on that whole Valentine-heart-thing.  Nobody takes the twee out of hearts better than Tif Fussell aka Dottie Angel.
So. While happily scrolling through the pages of this image archive of French Textiles; I was surprised by my reaction to the little heart pictured above, its deeply incised lobes and its perfect imperfection. Perhaps it's because I've always liked the imagery of playing cards, the spades, clubs, diamonds accompanying the hearts. Like dingbats! I like dingbats. (but that's another post.) And I like playing cards… but that's another post, too.
Anyway, this textile croquis has a lot going for it. Hand drawn ✔ cream paper faded to blush ✔ black icons ✔orderly yet asymmetric. Check, check, and check.

 Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Library

So, if you are in the mood to explore one of those library archives that makes one feel as though the top of one's head is going to blow off, get thee hence. go. now. 

P. S.   This sweet diy from J. Crew

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